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Posted by Sarah Ramsey

  • Apr 10, 2024

A RosterOps Leader - What "A Day in the Life" Would Look Like

For a RosterOps leader, every minute counts. They spend most of their hours juggling the intricate ballet of healthcare staffing with finesse and unwavering dedication. Below, we’ll take you through a day in the life of a RosterOps leader. Sounds good? Let’s dive in!

Morning Routine and Planning

A RosterOps leader's day typically starts early. They’ll review detailed reports on staffing needs across the healthcare facility. They carefully analyze projections for patient admissions, discharges, and transfers to accurately gauge the anticipated workload and acuity levels for each department and unit.


Executing Action Plans and Managing KPIs

RosterOps leaders normally have financial responsibilities and their own PLs for their organization, or specific regions and markets. Most organizations release financials monthly. And with that comes the monthly or quarterly operating reviews, where teams need to work together to review the most important financial drivers, and what it would take to make a budget.


These action plans could be related to coding documentation improvements, managing productivity levels, hiring, or growing patient volumes.


RosterOps leaders are like the maestros responsible for conducting the orchestra, and ensuring that each team does what they need to do to hit the right notes - to meet the financial goals.


Examining Data to Make Informed Decisions

Before diving into the day's tasks, the RosterOps leader takes a step back to evaluate the previous shift's performance. Examining data on staff productivity, overtime utilization, and any reported incidents or issues, helps them identify potential staffing gaps or areas that may require additional support.


Collaboration is Key

Collaboration is at the heart of a RosterOps leader's role. They actively engage with department managers, supervisors, and clinical staff representatives to gain a comprehensive understanding of their unique staffing needs and priorities. Through open communication and active listening, the RosterOps leader gathers insights on specific patient populations, anticipated surges in demand, or any special events or circumstances that may impact staffing requirements.


Roster Optimization and Scheduling

Armed with a comprehensive understanding of staffing needs and resource availability, the RosterOps leader leverages powerful workforce management software like Kimedics to create and fine-tune staff schedules. This enables them to efficiently align staffing levels with projected patient demand, factoring in employee availability, skill sets, and regulatory requirements. It seamlessly integrates data from various sources, providing a centralized platform for the RosterOps leader to visualize and manipulate schedules, ensuring optimal coverage across all areas of the healthcare facility.


Ensuring the Right Skill Mix is Available

RosterOps leaders also play a crucial role in ensuring the proper skill mix and coverage across different departments and shifts. They carefully analyze the unique competencies and qualifications of each staff member, taking into account their clinical expertise, certifications, and experience levels. Strategically distributing resources ensures that each area has the appropriate blend of skills and knowledge necessary to deliver high-quality patient care, while also promoting staff development and cross-training opportunities.


When Things Go Awry

Unexpected changes and emergencies are inevitable. The RosterOps leader must possess the agility and responsiveness to make real-time adjustments to staffing plans as situations unfold.  Whether it's a sudden surge in patient admissions, staff callouts, or unforeseen circumstances, the RosterOps leader swiftly collaborates with department leaders and leverages the workforce management software to reallocate resources, call in additional staff, or implement contingency plans. Their ability to adapt and respond promptly ensures continuity of care and minimizes disruptions to patient services.


Communication and CoordinationCommunication-and-Coordination-Internal-Image-5-April-2024

Effective communication is the lifeblood of a well-coordinated workforce - especially in healthcare. The RosterOps leader understands the importance of keeping all stakeholders informed and aligned. They conduct regular team meetings, both in-person and virtual, to disseminate crucial information regarding schedule updates, policy changes, and organizational priorities that may impact staffing operations.


Addressing Staff Shortages

Staffing shortages and vacancies can pose significant challenges to healthcare operations. To address these issues proactively, the RosterOps leader collaborates closely with HR, MSPs, staffing agencies, recruitment teams, etc.... They work in tandem to identify areas of need, develop targeted recruitment strategies, and streamline the onboarding process for new hires.


Data Analysis and Performance Monitoring

In any field data-driven decision-making is paramount, but perhaps it’s even more critical in healthcare. That’s why a RosterOps leader must closely monitor key performance indicators (KPIs) related to staffing efficiency, overtime utilization, and labor costs. Analyzing metrics such as staff-to-patient ratios, productivity levels, and overtime expenditures, helps them identify areas for improvement and make informed decisions to optimize resource allocation.


Looking for Trends and Patterns

Recognizing trends and patterns is crucial for proactive scheduling and resource management. The RosterOps leader employs advanced analytics tools to uncover insights from historical data, identifying cyclical patterns in patient volumes, staffing needs, and employee availability. Understanding these trends allows RosterOps leaders to refine scheduling practices, anticipate future demands, and strategically allocate resources to ensure optimal coverage during peak periods.


Communicating What They Learn From Data Analyses

Effective communication of data-driven insights is essential for organizational alignment and continuous improvement. The RosterOps leader generates comprehensive reports and dashboards that visually represent key metrics, trends, and performance indicators. These customized reports are shared with stakeholders, including department heads, executive leadership, and frontline staff, fostering transparency and enabling data-informed decision-making across the healthcare organization. Data-Analysis-and-Performance-Monitoring-Internal-Image-5-April-2024


Continuous Improvement and Training

The RosterOps leader plays a pivotal role in identifying opportunities for process improvements and implementing best practices to streamline RosterOps workflows. They collaborate with cross-functional teams, solicit feedback from frontline staff, and leverage industry benchmarks to optimize processes, enhance efficiency, and drive operational excellence.


Every Healthcare Organization Can Benefit from the RosterOps Approach

Investing in the professional development of RosterOps staff is a top priority for the leader. They recognize the importance of unifying collaboration across internal departments, vendors/clients and staff is crucial for driving organizational success and RosterOps teams are the glue that holds this together. To this end, the RosterOps teams leverage a shared technology to connect teams, ensure approval workflows, adapt processes, change management, communicate data findings to the teams and implement process improvements. These development opportunities not only enhance the team's capabilities but also foster a culture of continuous learning and growth.


Stay Ahead of Industry Trends

Staying ahead of industry trends and regulatory changes is essential for effective workforce management and scheduling. The RosterOps leader actively participates in professional associations, attends conferences, and engages with thought leaders in the field. They stay abreast of emerging technologies, best practices, and evolving regulations related to workforce management and scheduling. This proactive approach ensures that the organization remains compliant and at the forefront of innovation, effectively navigating the ever-changing healthcare landscape.


Crisis Management and Response

The RosterOps leader plays a crucial role in developing contingency plans to handle various scenarios, such as staffing shortages, sudden surges in patient volume, or other emergencies. They work closely with clinical leaders, operational teams, and subject matter experts to anticipate potential disruptions and design comprehensive response strategies. These contingency plans outline clear protocols for rapidly mobilizing additional staff, reallocating resources, and coordinating with external agencies or staffing partners when necessary.


What Happens in a Crisis?

When a crisis unfolds, the RosterOps leader takes a proactive and collaborative approach to mitigate disruptions to patient care and operations. They coordinate closely with clinical and operational leaders, leveraging real-time data and communication channels to deploy resources effectively. This may involve mobilizing float pools/cross credentialing, determining shift bonuses, adjusting staff schedules, or sourcing temporary personnel to ensure adequate coverage across all areas. The RosterOps leader's ability to remain calm under pressure and make informed decisions swiftly is paramount in maintaining continuity of care and minimizing the impact on patients and staff alike.


What About After a Crisis? What Then?

In the aftermath of a crisis, the RosterOps leader facilitates debrief sessions and post-event analyses. These sessions bring together key stakeholders to review the crisis response, identify strengths and weaknesses, and pinpoint areas for improvement. The RosterOps leader encourages open dialogue, reviews available data, actively listens to feedback from frontline staff, and objectively evaluates the effectiveness of contingency plans and communication protocols. These insights are then translated into actionable steps, such as updating emergency protocols, enhancing staff training, or refining resource allocation strategies, ensuring the organization is better prepared to handle future crises.


Collaboration and Relationship Building

Effective collaboration and strong relationships are the foundations of a well-coordinated workforce management program. The RosterOps leader understands the importance of cultivating positive working relationships with department heads, clinician managers, recruiters, credentials and finance as well as other key stakeholders across the healthcare organization. Through regular communication, a unified source of truth technology, active listening, and a commitment to transparency, the RosterOps leader fosters an environment of trust and mutual understanding. This collaborative approach ensures that staffing decisions align with departmental needs, clinical priorities, and organizational objectives.


Seeking Insight and Feedback

The RosterOps leader actively solicits input from these individuals, recognizing that their on-the-ground perspective can identify potential issues, inefficiencies, or opportunities for improvement that may not be immediately apparent to leadership. Creating open channels for communication and actively listening to staff concerns, helps RosterOps leaders to incorporate their valuable feedback into RosterOps strategies and processes, fostering a sense of ownership and buy-in among the workforce.


Every Organization Managing a Clinical Workforce (HCOs, MSPs, or Staffing Agencies) Needs RosterOps Framework

RosterOps leaders can navigate the complexities of healthcare workforce management with precision and agility. From optimizing staffing levels and ensuring the right skill mix to proactively responding to crises and empowering frontline staff, the impact of RosterOps ripples throughout every organization that manages a clinical workforce, elevating patient care, driving operational efficiency, and cultivating a culture of excellence.


Kimedics is a WRM (Workforce relationship management platform - learn more here) whose innovative workforce management solutions provide the foundation for healthcare organizations to seamlessly implement the RosterOps methodology, equipping leaders with the tools and expertise to orchestrate a harmonious workforce and shape the future of healthcare delivery. Discover how Kimedics can revolutionize your organization's approach to workforce optimization by scheduling a demo today.


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