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Posted by Sarah Ramsey

  • Apr 12, 2024

The Automation Balancing Act - Streamline Workforce Operations Without Losing the Human Connection

Automation with a human touch? Sounds more like an oxymoron doesn’t it? The truth is we’re all looking for ways to streamline our workflows and make our lives easier. But, if we’re not careful, it becomes far too easy for everything to feel more like we’re going through the motions than it is to have a real, human, connection.


Sound familiar? With AI and a plethora of different software options coming online, it’s easier than ever to be more efficient. Even tools like our workforce relationship management (WRM) software paired with the RosterOps approach will help healthcare teams, MSPs and staffing agencies get more done with less time and resources. The kicker is, if we don't strive to add a human element to everything we do, we risk losing the personal touch that makes healthcare so meaningful.


With that in mind, let’s explore how you can balance automation with human collaboration.


The Rise of Automation in Healthcare Workforce Management

The way workforce operations are being managed is rapidly changing thanks to automation. From scheduling software to credentialing systems, a myriad of technologies are streamlining traditionally cumbersome administrative processes.


Overview of Automation Technologies in Healthcare

At the forefront of this digital wave is the RosterOps approach - a groundbreaking approach that aligns recruitment, credentialing, operations, and finance teams through an integrated workforce management platform. When we automate tasks like approval routing, on-boarding checklists, scheduling, time tracking, and payroll calculations, the RosterOps approach empowers organizations to deploy their clinical staff more efficiently while ensuring optimal patient care.


Benefits of Automation

It’s no secret that automation in healthcare workforce management is beneficial. Just a few benefits include:

  • Reducing manual data entry
  • Minimizing human error
  • Boosting productivity and accuracy
  • Freeing up valuable resources to focus on other things
  • Ensuring thoughtful processes/approval flows are being followed
  • Enhancing visibility and data-driven decision-making (i.e. the ability to make more informed staffing choices based on real-time insights).

Automation is only as good as the process it’s based on

A key concept of the RosterOps framework is agility and using data to evaluate the design of workflows and processes. RosterOps is meant to keep teams constantly improving. Automation can only be implemented on a firm framework driven by the leaders and team members of a RosterOps team.


Understanding the Role of RosterOps as the Foundation Automation is Built Off OfUnderstanding-the-Role-of-RosterOps-as-the-Foundation-Automation-is-Built-Off-Of-Internal-Image-8-April-2024

What is the RosterOps Approach?

RosterOps is a collaborative framework that aligns recruitment, credentialing, operations, and finance teams within and across healthcare organizations and with their workforce. Through the integration of these traditionally siloed departments through a robust workforce management platform, RosterOps tears down barriers and fosters seamless communication and data-sharing.


The result? A cohesive, streamlined operation that optimizes clinician deployment while keeping the entire team accountable to key metrics like staff satisfaction and quality of care.


Optimizing Clinician Schedules with Workforce Needs in Mind

One of RosterOps's core strengths lies in intelligent scheduling. Leveraging automation, the system can rapidly generate schedules that account for intricate workforce dynamics – from shifts and skill mixes to credential expirations and staff preferences. But RosterOps goes beyond mere algorithmic efficiency by considering the human element. Schedules are crafted with an eye towards work-life balance, personalizing rotations to prevent burnout and boost workforce engagement.


Striking the Balance for Enhanced Patient Care

Thanks to the alignment of automated processes with human-centric values, RosterOps ultimately enhances the patient experience by way of improving the clinician experience. For example, an engaged and satisfied workforce translates into higher quality, more empathetic care.


Simultaneously, streamlined operations reduce administrative burdens, allowing clinicians to devote more face-time to meaningful team member interactions as well as those with patients. The RosterOps framework helps healthcare teams achieve the best of both worlds – the efficiency of automation coupled with the warmth of human connection.


Whether it's automated reminders for credential renewals or intelligent labor forecasting, RosterOps harnesses technology to support the vital work of healthcare's human workforce. In doing so, it cultivates an environment where clinicians can focus on what matters most: delivering compassionate, patient-centered care.


Leveraging Automation for Administrative Efficiency

Let’s face it, when it comes to most healthcare operations, administrative tasks can quickly become a bottleneck, draining precious time and resources. That’s where automation really shines - it can alleviate this burden by streamlining processes and making workflows significantly more efficient.


Utilizing Automation for Onboarding, Scheduling, Payments, and Documentation

Imagine a world where clinician schedules practically build themselves, seamlessly accounting for credentials, availability, and patient demand. Workforce Management platforms make this a reality through intelligent scheduling automation. Thanks to leveraging powerful algorithms and real-time data, the system can rapidly generate optimized schedules, minimizing gaps and ensuring the right clinicians are in the right place at the right time.


But automation extends far beyond just scheduling. With RosterOps, time tracking and compensation become a breeze. Clinicians can effortlessly log their hours through mobile apps or online portals, while the system automatically calculates pay based on predefined rules and rate tables (with differentials and complex structures). No more manually reconciling timesheets or updating spreadsheets to calculate pay – it's all managed automatically for you.


Even documentation, that perennial administrative headache, benefits from an automated touch. RosterOps can route the necessary forms and paperwork to clinicians based on their roles, credentials, and assignments. E-signatures, auto-population of fields, and intelligent reminders keep the process moving smoothly, reducing errors and minimizing the administrative overhead.


Automating Shift Assignments and Staff Scheduling

Another key area automation can help RosterOps teams save time is in streamlining shift assignments and staff scheduling. Integrating with staffing agencies and MSPs gives healthcare organizations the ability to tap into a vast pool of qualified clinicians, all vetted and credentialed within the system.


When a shift needs to be filled, platforms like Kimedics spring into action, intelligently matching available clinicians based on their skills, credentials, and preferences. The system can even account for factors like location, patient acuity, and clinician familiarity with the facility, ensuring a seamless fit every time.


But automation doesn't stop at simple shift-filling. RosterOps technology platforms continuously monitor schedules, proactively identifying potential gaps or conflicts. If a clinician calls out sick or an unexpected surge in patient volume occurs, the system can rapidly adjust, automatically reaching out to qualified backups and optimizing coverage.


Ensuring the right clinicians are always on hand, with minimal disruptions or gaps in coverage, allows healthcare organizations to deliver consistent, high-quality care, ultimately improving patient satisfaction and clinical outcomes.


Streamlining Your Workflows Doesn’t Have to Remove the Human Element

Maintaining the human element in healthcare while leveraging automation requires a thoughtful, balanced approach. To close things out, here are three ideas that can help preserve the human touch as you automate your workflows and streamline your processes:

Foster a Culture of Collaboration

The RosterOps approach, coupled with Kimedics's powerful software, provides teams with a unified platform that fosters a culture of collaboration. Through the centralization of workforce data and processes in one place, teams can work together seamlessly, eliminating silos and enhancing efficiency.


Teams no longer need to waste time sending update emails about the status of onboarding documents or schedule completion. Instead, they can reference real-time information directly within the platform. This transparency allows team members to stay informed and aligned, enabling them to focus on strategic initiatives rather than getting bogged down in routine reporting.


Kimedics's built-in collaboration and task management features further streamline teamwork. Assignees can be designated for specific tasks, ensuring clear accountability and ownership. Customizable workflows and checklist building capabilities help standardize processes and maintain consistency across the organization. These tools empower teams to work together effectively, even when distributed across different locations or departments.


Moreover, Kimedics’s communication capabilities, such as the ability to leave shared notes, drive transparency and collaboration. Team members can easily share insights, ask questions, and provide updates within the context of specific workforce data or processes. This open communication fosters a sense of partnership and shared purpose, enabling teams to tackle challenges together and celebrate successes collectively.


Leveraging the RosterOps approach and Kimedics's software, gives healthcare organizations the ability to cultivate a culture of collaboration that breaks down barriers and drives results. Teams can spend their time strategizing and problem-solving together, rather than chasing down information or working in isolation. This collaborative environment not only improves efficiency but also enhances job satisfaction and employee engagement, leading to better outcomes for clinicians, patients, and the organization as a whole.


Engaging with organizations outside of your own is critical in the healthcare collaboration ecosystem

Collaboration extends beyond the walls of a single organization. Engaging with external stakeholders, such as clients and staffing agencies, is crucial for streamlining workflows and ensuring optimal patient care.


Kimedics's platform facilitates this seamless collaboration, making clients and staffing agencies an integral part of your workflows and approval processes. By granting them secure access to relevant data and functionalities, you can foster transparency, trust, and efficiency.


For instance, when working with clients, Kimedics allows you to share key information, such as workforce availability, credentials, and performance metrics. This enables clients to make informed decisions and provides them with visibility into the quality of care being delivered. Similarly, when collaborating with staffing agencies, Kimedics streamlines the submission and approval of candidate profiles, ensuring that the right talent is matched with the right opportunities.


The result is the ability to reduce communication bottlenecks, minimize errors, and accelerate decision-making. This collaborative approach strengthens relationships, drives accountability, and ultimately leads to better outcomes for all stakeholders involved.


Clinician Engagement

Engaging clinicians is a critical aspect of creating a collaborative and efficient healthcare workforce. Kimedics empowers clinicians by providing them with tools to actively participate in scheduling, open shift filling, and more.


Through the platform, clinicians can view and manage their schedules in real-time. They can easily communicate their availability, preferences, and time-off requests, ensuring that their needs are taken into account when creating schedules. This collaborative approach to scheduling reduces conflicts, improves work-life balance, and enhances clinician satisfaction.


Moreover, Kimedics enables clinicians to actively participate in open shift filling. When shifts become available, clinicians can express their interest and claim them through the platform. This self-service model allows clinicians to have more control over their work assignments and ensures that shifts are filled quickly and efficiently.


Kimedics also provides clinicians with access to relevant data, such as patient information, clinical guidelines, and performance metrics. This empowers them to make informed decisions, collaborate with their colleagues, and deliver high-quality care.


Maintain Human Oversight

While automating certain workflows, ensure that there are checkpoints and human oversight for critical decisions or situations that require nuanced judgment or empathy. It’s also a good idea to continuously gather feedback. Implement mechanisms to regularly collect feedback from team members, clinicians, vendors/clients you work with as well as other stakeholders.


Automation is inevitable in today's fast-paced healthcare environment, but it doesn't have to come at the cost of human design and connection. By leveraging the power of Kimedics's Workforce Relationship Management (WRM) platform and the RosterOps approach, you can streamline your workflows while preserving the empathy and compassion that lie at the heart of connected teams and the delivery of quality patient care. Schedule a demo today and discover how Kimedics can help you strike the perfect balance between automation and the human touch.


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